About Us
Catalog Choice’s mission is to stop junk mail for good. For the past 8 years, Catalog Choice has been passionate about helping protect natural resources and helping you simplify your life. Use this free service to cancel specific catalogs and other types of paper mail you no longer wish to receive.
Catalog Choice sends merchants your catalog opt-out request on your behalf, but please note that we have no control over how and when merchants will process your opt-out request. We’re constantly trying to work with merchants to encourage them to comply with your opt-out requests.
Please note that signing up for this service will not stop all of your incoming paper junk mail in one fell swoop, as Catalog Choice does not have the capacity to stop mail from your local USPS or from prospecting lists. Catalog Choice recommends that our users sign up for DMA choice in tandem with our service to take your name off of these prospecting lists, because many catalog merchants share lists of personal information with other merchants.
Catalog Choice is a non-profit organization unaffiliated with the mail marketing industry. Catalog Choice does not mail out merchant catalogs or other paper mail, and does not assist with product orders of any kind. Contact the appropriate merchant directly for product-related inquiries.

Catalog Choice is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, managed by The Story of Stuff Project, with EIN #46-4334785. Any donations to Catalog Choice/The Story of Stuff Project are fully tax-deductible in the U.S.A.